Haydn Crespan and Damien Crespan

Haydn Crespan and Damien Crespan

Damien was born in Townsville and Haydn in Mount Isa. It was almost inevitable that these brothers would mesh their talents to create their debut children’s book The Adventures of Triz, The Babysitter. Haydn has written stories all of his life and despite the added challenge of being colour blind, Damien has always loved to draw.

Haydn with large picture book

Born with Asperger’s Syndrome these Queensland brothers have endured significant challenges throughout their lives and this book shows the personal connection they have with the character of Triz, as he also faces challenge after challenge. They feel this character and his journey, should be a solid example of how, no matter what life throws at you, if you persevere and can accept that sometimes you may fail, but are prepared to face the music and learn from your mistakes, you will succeed.

Currently working as a freelance artist, Damien studied Animation and Film at Griffith University. He is also collaborating with his brother on an eight-part series for television.

Haydn is signed with Agency 888 and currently working as an actor. He is also working on Triz’s next adventure. Stay tuned….. Triz is bound to get into more trouble!

They reside in Brisbane

Check them out on MUSTLPIG PRODUCTIONS and other social media using the Links 


Triz the Babysitter -  Workshop

Sessions 40 mins - 30 Students - (can be adapted to 30mins)

Damien and Haydn love to share their book with children - aided by dinosaurs from the book, a model of Triz and a 30 cm replica T. rex tooth, which is always a hit with the kids.

  • Introduction - Haydn talks about himself, how and when the story was created and how it was further developed by his brother Damien, a talented illustrator.
  • Activate Prior Knowledge Question Session - Damien uses a display of all dinosaurs from the book
  • Discussion -  Haydn will engage the students in a discussion on predicting what the book might be about and further explore the back cover (blurb).
  • Reading of the Book
  • Picture Walk - Haydn will ask specific questions regarding the story where they can unpack new vocabulary, clarify understandings, draw on prior experiences and background knowledge of the students. Damien will ask questions about the illustrations.
  • Activity - The students get to design, draw, name their own dinosaur then present it to the class. (paper and coloured pencils required)
  • Activity - The session will then finish off with students put into pairs, where they will be provided with a magnifying glass and encouraged to explore the book to find hidden objects/creatures, that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Children really love this activity (sometimes finding things that Damien had forgotten he drew!).





  • “An audience with Haydn is a must do event!”
    “Students love Haydn”
    We were lucky to host Haydn at Heatley High where he led a discussion with ourYear 8 – 10 students in Inclusive Education. Not only did our students love Triz, the character that Haydn brought to life they loved they way he engaged with them as a peer.
    Haydn remarked how well-behaved the kids were. I can say they are not always this way, it was only that they were so engaged with the activities that Haydn led them through, that the thought of mis-behaving or acting out never entered their head.
    Students and Teachers alike really enjoyed this event with Haydn and we would havehim back anytime. We’d also recommend that other schools invite Haydn along to speak with their students… it’s a one of a kind experience.

    Heatley Secondary College - August 2022

    Heatley Secondary College - August 2022
    Haydn Crespan and Damien Crespan
  • It was our pleasure to host former Heatley SS students and now published author/illustrators Haydn and Damien Crespan in our school library this week. Haydn and Damien read their book "The Adventures of Triz the Babysitter" to each of our year three year 1 classes. They also spoke about their creative processes in terms of writing the story and matching the illustrations to the text. They brought along dinosaur props for the students to interact with - one of which was an original model of Triz that Damien had constructed. We look forward to the further adventures of Triz the babysitter!

    Heatley State School - October 2021

    Heatley State School - October 2021
    Haydn Crespan and Damien Crespan


Speaker type

  • Author
  • Illustrator / Designer
Haydn Crespan and Damien Crespan