Speakers' Books
Plato the Platypus Plumber
Fake ID
Astrid; The Mind Reading Chook
Astrid; Grand Final
False Bottom
Princess Clown
Charlie and the Red Hot Chilli Pepper
Secrets of Eromanga
Ali Berber and the Forty Grains of Salt
The Magic Globe
Seven Tales
Short and Twisted
Rainbow Street Pets
The Nim Stories
Rescue On Nim's Island
Old Tom's Holiday
Mr Chicken Goes to Paris
Horrible Harriet
Big Book of Beauty
Mr Chicken Lands On London
Old Tom
The Girl in the Cave
A New Kind of Dreaming
Nathan Nuttboard Hits the Beach
Nathan Nuttboard Upstaged
Into White Silence
To the Light
How to get dumped
The Toilet Kid
The Tuckshop Kid
The Best Ballgirl
Get Rich Quick
Don't Kiss Girls
Alex Jackson
Alex Jackson: Grommit
Alex Jackson: Closing Out
Alex Jackson: Sula
The Trophy Kid
The Line Formation
My Totally Awesome Story
Don't Kiss Girls
Count me first
Toy Box Colours
Hat Parade
Animals of Australia
Hello Bird
Our Shipwreck Adventure
A Penny in Time
The Gobbling Tree
Finding Home
Grandpa's Gate
The Naughty Magpie
Cockawun and Cockatoo
The Noisy House
Boyz Rule Gone Fishing
Ducks Having Fun
So Festy!
So Sick!
So Gross!
So Feral!
The Snugglebump Jump
Team Dream
Kiss Kill
The Circle - Greenheart
The Circle - Princess
The Circle - Gift
The Circle - Dreamer
Hazard River: Toad's Revenge!
Hazard River: Blood Money!
Hazard River: Shark Frenzy!
Hazard River: Snake Surprise!
Hazard River: Tiger Terror!
Hazard River: Bat Attack!